Friday, May 30, 2014

Personal Revolution and my mission

About Me -

In case we have never met, my name is Carter.  I am 31 years old (turning 32 on June 9th).  I am the father to two wonderful children.  I am an avid movie buff (at which I can quote multiple movies from the top of my head) and an even bigger TV buff (except reality TV.  I hate the crap with a passion),  I love Steeler's football, Pirates Baseball, and watching sports center so that I may catch up on everything that I missed.

I love to write and am trying to get a few short stories published here and there.  My enjoyment can also  be found playing video games,  or reading a good book (when there is actually time.  Hell, a father with two kids and a full time job rarely has time for anything).

For years I have been a professional wrestler on the independent scene in West Virginia.  I found a nitch in the early 2000's and became The Atrocity.  Brawling and Choke Slams were my calling card.  Certain people in that business didn't care for me, but I could have cared less.  I met some of my best friends through this life.  Later, about 2005, I took on another personality.  I worked in the tri state area as often as I could (which wasn't as often as I would have liked, but having two children will take care of my free time.  Hell, I would rather be home with them anyways).

Also...I am an addict.

Not the kind of addict you are thinking.  I don't touch drugs and I rarely drink.  I am a food addict.  It not an addiction most people will ever talk about.  I love food.  I love big, greasy, salty, fatty, sugary food.  The kind of food that will stick to you, fill you up and never let you down.

Some people would say "So do I, but I don't over-do it!".  There in lies the problem.  I over did it for years and years.  I would just shove whatever junk food I had around into my mouth because it felt good for a moment.  It would fill that void that needed filling.  Taco Bell, Potato Chips, Chicken Casserole and anything else that my heart desired, I would eat.

Problem was that I gained a lot of weight, and then gained more when when second child came along.  I would hear my sweet lady whisper "How about some Taco Bell and Ice Cream for dinner?"  OF COURSE, HUN!  Why wouldn't I indulge her and myself?  It was guilt free eating!

By February of 2014, I got myself up to roughly 360lbs.  3-6-0!!!  I was ashamed of what I had become.  I couldn't move like I used to as it was (Years of wrestling did a number on my knees and back), but this was bad.  Really bad.   I couldn't run like I used to, which I never could far but now it was bad.  Finally, I had enough.

On February 15th, I had had enough.  I decided that a change had to come.  I was uncomfortable in my own skin, out of breath from climbing the stares, and generally just unhappy with myself.  I was angry all the time, and my short temper was becoming shorter.

My revolution began on February 17th.  This was the day that I began to take control of my diet. Cutting fat and counting calories.  I started tracking everything that was put into my body.  The easiest way for me to do this was thanks to my phone and an app called MyFitnessPal!  It easily allowed me to keep track of every calorie and gram of fat that was in my food.  Some viewed it as pain staking and obsessive, but SO WHAT?  It was my body, so I had to be obsessive over the fuel that makes my engine run.

After about 3 weeks or so after I started watching my caloric intake, I started exercising again.  It felt wonderful to get back and walk, then run up and down the street.   Then followed the strength exercises.  Then more Cardio.

As I type this, I am 70lbs lighter

My Mission -

To be healthier, in body and mind.  It's that simple.  To have my mind and my body be as healthy as they can be.  Hopefully, with this blog, I will be able to inspire a few people and provide some fun stories.

My Goal-

My personal goal is to get my weight down to 220lb.  I believe I can do this, providing what I have already done.   It will just take a lot of hard work and some dedication.  

I will keep to my mission and try my hardest to achieve my goal.  Hopefully, you all will stay with me as I work to this goal.

(Next episode - FOODS!!!)


Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Beginning

Here is to the start of the new blog, ladies and gentlemen!

I will be dedicating this blog to my fitness and changes that I have been seeing.  To the weight that I have been losing, the exercise that I am doing, and the changes that I keep experiencing.

I will post more about myself in the "Profile" column.  That should include all sorts of tid bits about me.  I will soon make a more efficient post about what this will all be about.

I hope to update this at least twice a week with new pictures, videos, ideas, recipes,  and whatever else will come to my mind on this subject.  Also, if anyone reading this has any ideas that they would like me to cover, please let me know!  I love feed back, and welcome new ideas all the time.

I hope you all will enjoy this as much as I will enjoy chronicling this adventure.

More to follow
