Saturday, June 14, 2014


I hate excuses.

I really hate excuses.

I mega-loath excuses to the depths of hell.

I really can not state enough how much I hate an excuse for not doing something; especially exercising or eating right.

The reason I hate them is because I was full of them.  Every day, all day, I was full of reasons I couldn't eat right or exercise that week.  It was too hot.  It was too cold.  My knees hurt.  My back hurt.  blah, blah, blah......

The fact was that I was coming up with every reason in the world not to take ownership of myself.   Every single excuse I could think of I used.  My body hurt, my head hurt, the weather, I will start next week.

My body did hurt.  My knees and back did ache, A LOT!  Some of it was from earning glory in the ring.  Mainly, I hurt because I was out of shape.  I hurt because I neglected my health and well being.  I hurt because I gave up on myself and gave into excuses.

Not only did my body hurt, but my mind hurt as well.  It hurt because I knew what I once was, and new what I was now.  I knew that I used to be somewhat in shape, and that was as strong as an ox.  This not only hurt my pride, but also my ego.  Truthfully, my ego got bad enough that I didn't believe in myself anymore.

The truth came when I just decided that enough was enough.  No more excuses.  No more failures.    It was time for a change.

Am I perfect?  GOD NO!  I am always a work in progress.  Do I still have bad habits that I am trying to get rid of?  Sure do!  I still smoke ( I hope to quit once I hit my weight loss goal) and I still have diet soda and coffee with sugar.  It's all a work in progress.  The only thing that will cure that is time and effort.


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