Wednesday, June 4, 2014

One foot in front of the other!

The biggest step in the morning is that step off the couch.  Sure, it really easy to step from bed to fridge to couch, but what about that step off the couch to make your day start to REALLY happen?  

The hardest step anyone trying to change they way they live, is to take that giant step off the couch and do something about it.  Its scary.  Hell, it can be down right terrifying some days.   Once you get up and out the door, you wont know what the world will have in store for you.  Putting one foot in front of the other, and soon you are on an adventure!

Sure, that adventure will hurt.  You will be in pain at time.  Other times, you might be exasperated to the point of vomiting everything in side your stomach.  

True Story
There could be dangers too.  Rabid dogs, venomous snakes, enormous insects, rodents of unusual size and strength, and dragons.  These all might cross your path on a grand adventure.  Getting chased, bitten, burned and thrown about is all in the spirit of the journey.

OK, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but the fear is real.  The absolute fear of change and pain for change is real.  It is so much easier to sit on the couch, watch a movie, and fill our faces with cheeze-its than it is to go out into the world and make a change in our lives.

We can not control everything in our lives.  I know that all too well.  We can, however, control ourselves and what we do on a daily basis.  Let go of the things that we can't control, and change the things that we want to change.

For me, the scary part was trying to exercise again.   It had been a good, long while since I put in any honest, hard work into my body.  I had become fatter, and more apathetic towards myself.  Depression from a relationship gone bad didn't help matters.  I had mostly secluded myself to my apartment and work.  I rarely went anywhere outside of those perimeters except the grocery store and Taco Bell.

This is how I feel after I have walk/Ran 4 miles
I realized something though.  I had to put one foot in front of the other.  Small steps at first.  I started walking.  Really slowly.  It was the end of February, so the cold didn't help matters.  First, it was one mile.  Then two miles.  Before I knew it, I felt like running parts of it.  Three and a half months later, I am doing 4 miles in an hour.  My knees hate me for it, but I couldn't care less.  I felt great!  I was covered in sweat and dirt, and felt alive!

It didn't end there, though.  I started feeling good enough to do some Yoga my apartment.  Then, after a recommendation from one of my best friends, I started doing a Jillian Michael's work out in my living room.  By Thor's Hammer, that woman tried to kill me.  Every part of my body was hurting.  However, I felt great and like I could take over the world with nothing but a sword in my hand and a scowl on my face.

I suppose that is my challenge to anyone reading this.  Become the warrior that you were meant to be.  Remain Unbent, Unbowed, and Unbroken.  Refuse to settle for anyone or anything but the best that you want to be.  AND, let no one tell you that you cant do it, or that you aren't good enough.   Trust me, once you take that first step, you have every chance to become who you want to be.


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