Monday, June 2, 2014


I miss this burger


I love food.  I love greasy, heart blocking, fatty, salty, sugary, stick to your ribs and arteries, pray to god you make it through this meal food.  Any one that know me can attest to this fact.  Hell, one time, at a party, I once picked up a tub of butter and drunkenly ate a dozen potatoes like they were fun size candy bars.  I loved to go an eat with my friends, my family, or just by myself.  I would eat mostly anything put under my nose.   The picture above was one of my favorite things, when we had a Bennigan's in town (If you are reading this Bennigan's Franchise, COME BACK, WE ARE SORRY AND SHOULDN'T HAVE LET YOU GO!).  

Not only do I love food, I love to cook.  I love to cook for company when they come over and serve them some tender fried chicken, or perhaps a quasadilla would be more their speed.  I would eat when I was cooking, enjoying my self the entire time.   Hell, I am at my happiest when I am in front of a grill with burgers, steak and hot dogs cooking over the fire that I brought to life.

The big issue was, fatty food doesn't love me back.  Sure, it will be there in the night, making me feel all warm and snuggly.  By the time the sun rises, that food bolted out the door leaving me alone; empty.

When I decided to change my life, I first had to find food that loved me.  Food that would give back to my health and happiness, and not taste like complete ass.  Honestly, it wasn't as hard as one might think.

First, I had to find new meats.  No more taco meat (is that meat) or red ground meat every day.  I came to substitute that with Baked or grilled Chicken.  Then, I would later incorporate baked Salmon, Talapia and a lot of other fish.  Cans of tuna are now more prevalent in my kitchen as well.

My breakfasts have now become Egg white omelettes with onions and peppers, with a side of turkey bacon and some coffee with sugar.

The hardest part was falling in love with raw vegetables.  I never have been a big veggie guy, unless it was a veggie pizza from Papa John's.  I was able to do it though.  Salads have become a staple in my life now.  Red Lettuce, Onions, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Peppers, Kale and others now enjoy their time with me.  

Another big change that I made, that I would hate to forget, is that I drink a smoothie every day I am watching what I eat.  Bananas, Wheat Grass, Kale, Granola, Yogurt, Strawberries, blueberries, and other fine fruits found their way into my blender.  Mixed with coconut milk, almond milk or just some tasty whole milk.  

For all this change, I feel so much better.  I am not as tired as I used to be.  Greasy foods that I would enjoy on a daily basis now hit me hard.  I am not as tired as I once was, and just seem happier with my new food choices.

Of course...all of these new habbits go away on CHEAT DAY!!!!

Come on, you all didnt think I could be good all the time, did you?


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